
MODERN mama’s Bump Social Vancouver

Being pregnant can be a little over-whelming, even intimidating. Sometimes you just want to hang out with other pregnant ladies, who understand and feel what you are experiencing.  At least, I did. The only problem I had was finding other pregnant women to be friend, seriously. Or maybe I just wasn’t looking hard enough?

I don’t know, none of my local girl friends were pregnant, and my mid-wife appointments were always the last ones of the day, so we were the only couple in there, LOL. So, one day my God-sister was like “Carolina, have you heard of MODERN mama’s Bump Brunch event?” NOPE. She enthusiastically explained that MODERN mama is a company dedicated to getting moms out of the house, where women can get out and enjoy being themselves, while staying attached to their babies. My God-sister raved about MODERN mama’s Bump Brunch she attended when she was pregnant in 2012 and highly recommended I attend their event. Long story short, I attended the BUMP BRUNCH last year and LOVED IT. I was able to connect with so many moms (seasoned and first timers, like me!). There were photographers taking bump photos, delicious food and AMAZING prizes!

It was really a great experience meeting other mamas, talking not only about pregnancy, but fashion and food too, obviously, LOL. Bueno, MODERN mama is at it again this year, hosting a BUMP SOCIAL.

In a fun, casual format, there will be nibbles and mocktails.  Several guest speakers who will address some pregnancy topics important to you, and there are PRIZES too! MODERN mama’s BUMP SOCIAL is taking place at the beautiful WestCoastKids on Main Street on May 20th from 5.30-8pm with discount shopping afterwards!

Get all the details and register here.

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