DISCLOSURE: I received this product for my editorial consideration and I decided to review it, based on my own experience and opinions.
Before being a mom, even when I was pregnant in fact, I seemed to have so much time on my hands that I didn’t know what to do! And now that I’m a MOM to an almost 3 month old it’s the opposite, hahaha. I always seem to be doing something; between feeding, changing diapers/clothes, doing laundry, and putting her to sleep (which is a long process!) it feels like I sometimes can’t have a break. I mean, sometimes, I’m feeding her and I really need to pee, and there I go…with baby in tow, latched on eating away. Hahaha, I do this when I feel like we are on a roll with the feeding (about to deep sleep), I shouldn’t interfere because I may have to start the process all over again.
When she is finally asleep I can put her down comfortably into her Little Lounger and get at least fifteen minutes (usually her deep sleep gives me an hour) to get things done around the house, like that mountain of dishes in the sink or that pile of laundry that is waiting to be washed.
Don’t get me wrong, I put her down in her Graco Little Lounger when she is awake too, especially when I need fifteen minutes to take that much needed shower. I just pop her in the lounger and slide it into the washroom, and she is entertained with the vibrating or gazing into the stars mobile.
The Graco Little Lounger is great for when Luna is asleep or awake because besides vibrating, it has the two recline options. The plush fabrics and body support seem to mold to her body, which I bet is very comfortable for her. I kind of reminds me of a hammock.
I really like the Graco Little Lounger because it doubles as a rocking seat and a vibrating lounger. It has “locks” that you flip down to make it a stationary vibrating lounger. It also has two vibrating options, which Luna likes, she is always oohing when I turn it on.
The Little Lounger Rocking Seat + Vibrating Lounger is light weight and easy to store away, it folds!
As a new mom, I really appreciate being able to get fifteen minutes to prep a quick meal or make that yummy smoothie, and Luna loves being carried, so sometimes it can get a little tricky. Before the Little Lounger I would feel guilty when I put her down on her play mat, I’d feel a little nervous that our cat would pounce on her or something…and now, I don’t feel guilty because I put her into the Little Lounger and know that she is not only comfortable, but safe.
I’m happy to announce, that Graco Baby Canada, wants to give one of these awesome Little Loungers to a Nina on the Moon reader (must reside in Canada)! The Graco Little Lounger Rocking Seat + Vibrating Lounger is available at Walmart Canada, check it out here!
15 mins? I would nap! haha! …seriosuly though, i would knit, or read a little, or enter an online contest
hehehe all great options
A hot bubble bath would be nice
I haven’t had one of those in forver!!!
Take a shower!
Take a bubble bath with expensive candles!
oh my goodness, this sounds AMAZING!
eat a hot meal!
i’ve learned to really appreciate these now a days hehehe
I think i might brush my hair and paint my nails..
that’s a good one! i always forget about that hehehe
Shower for sure.
speaking of..i need one now hehahaha
I would love to sit down, grab a cup of coffee and get to finally drink it hot!
Love life.
Read a book!
I would do a few quick yoga poses!
I would read more!
I would take a hot shower. and just stand there. lol
With 15 minutes hands-free time, I would love to be able to wash my hair!
Just stopping by your awesome blog, amiga! Love seeing pictures of your precious Luna. She’s so beautiful!! Abrazos!!
That’s a hard one ~ I would like to say I’d take the me-time and do my nails or the like, but in reality I would probably spend the time knitting or crocheting something cute for baby!
Take a long shower!
I would read a book and relax ! (for 15 mins lol)
a quick nap
Go out for a jog
I lay in bed with a good book to unwind
I would spend the extra time to enter a few more contests which i find relaxes me
Take a nap:)
Oh I’d actually enjoy a HOT cup of coffee!
Drink my coffee with 2 hands!
Write a review with this awesome product!
Id domy toe nails!!!!
Go for a walk
Probably just lie down and “rest my eyes” while trying to let my mind run blank.
i would read a book
I would take a nap!!!!
I would make (and drink!) a cup of tea while it was ACTUALLY hot!
SHOWER or do my nails!
I would spend that extra time in soaking in the tub
Read a book
With 15 mins I would make myself a coffee and drink it while it’s still hot
paint my nails
oh wow…15 mins would be nice
Id spend that time working on one of my paintings. Between the kids, cleaning and cooking there is definitely not enough time in the day to do what I enjoy doing; painting is so relaxing.
Little workout, laundry or mayb go work in my garden. So much to do so little time
I feel the same way! A 2 month old and no time to do anything!
I would love to just sit down and relax …. have not been able to do that in 5 months now…oh ya and maybe get my hair done instead of just having it up all the time…that would be nice too…its been 5 months since i had some time for that as well…a girl can still dream…lol
15 mins? I would appease my Facebook addiction.
As our little one is expecting to arrive in two months, this would be absolutely perfect!
Just have a sit and relax
I use any spare time searching for contests lol
Read a chapter of a book
I would wash my hair!
I would love to cook an amazing meal for my man
I would jump in the shower real quick.
I would take a hot bubble bath
a nice hot bath, well a quick one
Love this product
I would make a cup of tea
Enjoy a cup of coffee that is still HOT!
I would read the newspaper!
15 minutes is a lifetime in mommy world, lol. I woukd use that 15 minutes to rest my feet while folding some laundry. I have 2 munchkins and one on the way so every second counts!
I would either read a book or call a friend
Love this!
I would catch up on some reading
With 15 minutes I would take a hot shower!
I would sit and read the paper with a cup of tea
I’m with many over the other ladies who commented … I’d take a hot shower!!
I would sit down with a nice book. 15 min of reading is better than nothing lol.
With 15 minutes, oh the endless possibilities. I would probably do some yoga though. Give me some energy for the rest of the day.
Have a hot shower!
Take a bubble bath!
I would make a cup of tea and read my book
With 15 minutes i would enjoy a cup of tea and play with my other two kids.
I would read!
15 minutes? i would catch up on some laundry, or sneak outside for a quick stroll